Sunday, April 17, 2011


“Zion” Grant Standard

The sculpture “Zion” is very interesting but also very beautiful and sophisticated at the same time.  “Zion” has an interesting shape; it is a circle but not completely round or a full circle.  There are shapes cut out from the circle which gives it more depth.  The colors are very simple but make it look elegant.  I enjoyed viewing this sculpture and am even using it as a focal point in one of my drawings. 

“Comedy/Tragedy" Dee Clements

“Comedy/Tragedy” is one of those sculptures where you have mixed feelings when observing it.  My first feeling was that it is somewhat of a creepy sculpture.  The faces are so intense and the eyes pierce right through you.  This sculpture to me expresses complete sadness which falls in with the tragedy part of the title.  I would not like to see this sculpture every day because it just puts a bad/eerie feeling inside me.  On the other hand, however, it could be taken as comical because of the faces looking like mimes which mimes are supposed to make people laugh.

“Aplomb” Luke Achterberg

“Aplomb” happens to be the sculpture I like the most.  Every time I walk by it I can’t help but stare.  The colors go so well together and really accent each other well.  The shape is quite interesting which makes the sculpture stand out even more among others.  It’s placed in such a central location which I feel is a perfect location for it to be placed.  I would most definitely display this sculpture in my home or yard because it is so eye catching and different.

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